Every once in a while, someone will always type their text uniquely. It is unique in the sense that the text will either be flipped vertically or horizontally.
You may have just heard the name of this wonderful symbol or seen the flipped 3 written somewhere. And now, you are wondering and interested to know what it means. Well, there are many reasons for that.
Let’s take a look at how to type ‘Ɛ‘ or backwards 3. In this guide to backwards 3, I will explain to you, what is this symbol, and how can you type this wonderful symbol on different devices, Get ready for an exciting ride; things are about to become intriguing.
What Is Backwards 3 Or Reversed 3 “Ɛ”?
The Symbol that looks like reversed “3” is usually called the Epsilon symbol “Ɛ”.
This symbol is a Greek letter. People generally use it in Physics, Mathematics, and engineering to represent various concepts, such as the empty set in set theory, the mathematical constant for small quantities in calculus, and as a placeholder in formal language theory.
Nowadays, People use this reversed 3 symbol to type “Ɛ>” which looks like a heart and consider it as a sign of love. The real name of this symbol is Epsilon, but now people have given it many names such as flipped 3, reversed 3, inverted 3, 3 mirrored, and backward 3.
I call this symbol “backwards 3”. Cuz, this word is soft, easy to say and easier to use than others. Below, I will break it down and discuss what is the purpose of this symbol, where it can be used, and where people use this wonderful symbol.
So, roll up your sleeves and be with me, Cuz, we’re gonna dive into the world of this beautiful symbol.
How To Type Backwards 3 (Ɛ)

Now, let’s take a look at the few ways that you can type Ɛ which is also known as the reverse of 3.
Type Backwards 3 Symbol on Android
As we know, Android is a popular operating system that millions of people use every day. In the social media era, everyone wants to look cool by adding quick emojis. As we know, “Ɛ>” is used to add heart-shaped emojis.
But when it comes to typing “Ɛ>” or reverse three, it is not directly possible to type on Android phones, because no keyboard allows this. So, the question arises,
How to type this if no keyboard directly supports it? The answer lies here. To type “Ɛ>”, you can copy it as text and paste it wherever you want to show the heart-shaped emojis. I hope you liked this answer.
How to Type “Ɛ>“ on iPhone or iOS?
iOS is another popular operating system as far as the mobile industry is concerned. There are millions of iPhone users using the iOS method.
So, it is essential to provide appropriate guidance to serve those mobile phone users. Just like Android, iOS also doesn’t support typing Backwards 3. So, you have to replicate the backwards 3 copy paste method to enjoy this facility on your iPhone. You can copy it “Ɛ>”.
Apart from that, there is a possibility some keyboard providers may provide it in the future. But, I don’t know any such kind of platform to type Backwards 3 on your iPhone.
If you are using social media apps that support heart-shaped emojis by typing “Ɛ>”, you can copy it in plain text. After doing so, it will be automatically converted into the mentioned emojis.
How to type Backwards 3 “Ɛ” on a Windows PC?
I hope you have already learned to type the Backwards 3 symbol using your mobile phone. Now, moving forward to PC, we will first learn to type “Ɛ” on Windows PC.
To type the Backwards 3 symbol (Ɛ) on Windows, you can use the following method:
- Ensure that the Num Lock is enabled on your keyboard.
- Press and hold the Alt key on your keyboard.
- While holding the Alt key, type the numeric code for the Backwards 3 symbol (Ɛ) using the numeric keypad. The numeric code for the Backwards 3 symbol is 0190.
- Release the Alt key. The Backwards 3 symbol (Ɛ) should appear in the text field.
Please note that this method requires using the numeric keypad on your keyboard, not the numbers above the letters.
If you’re using a laptop without a dedicated numeric keypad, you may need to use the function key (Fn) along with the number keys to emulate a numeric keypad.
If you are unable to type the symbol using this method, it is possible that the font or program you are using does not support it. In that case, you might want to try copying the symbol from this website (Ɛ) and paste it into your desired application.
Type Backward 3 Symbol from Mac PC
Unlike the Windows operating system, macOS is not so blessed to use the Alt key. But, still, there are options available to type Backwards 3.
One such method is to use Google Docs. It allows you to type flipped 3 by using special characters.
Here is a step-by-step guide:
- Open Your Web Browser
- Type https://docs.google.com/ in the link section
- Start a new “Blank Project”
- At the top of the documents, select the “Insert” option
- Scroll down to “Special Characters” and search “0190”
- 0190 is the symbol code as we have typed in Windows
- Just select the “Ɛ” icon and enjoy!
In conclusion, this is how you can type in flipped or backward letters and numbers easily on your device.
In case you wish to type in long texts in such a manner, you can always make use of a few services such as Spell Backwards, Upside DownText, or even the Backwards Text Generator.
You can use these flipped and mirrored texts in your social media posts or for that matter even as a character for your social media profiles or gamer tag for any game that lets you do so.
So, the next time you want to add a unique touch to your messages, surprise your friends, or express your love in a novel way, remember the Epsilon symbol.
It’s more than just a symbol; it’s a versatile character that bridges the worlds of science and emotion. Copy it, share it, and spread the love!
What Is Backwards 3 Used For?
The symbol that looks like 3, “Ɛ” or backwards 3, known as Epsilon, is commonly used in mathematics, physics, and engineering to represent various concepts.
What Is The Modern Usage Of The Reversed 3 Symbol?
In modern usage, the reversed 3 symbol “Ɛ>,” which resembles a heart, is often used as a sign of love, especially by the younger generation. This way of expressing love has gained popularity.
Where Did Flip 3 Come From?
The reversed 3 symbol “Ɛ” has its origins in ancient Greek writing. It is denoted by the Greek lowercase letter Epsilon.